Pioneering Discoveries and Methods

Leading the way to a world without cancer

Our Funded Projects

We are changing lives.

One of our first $20,000 H Foundation grants helped Teresa Woodruff, PhD, continue her study into fertility threats posed to women by cancer treatment. In 2009, the Medical School was awarded a $21.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health, the largest grant in Cancer Center history. This grant helped establish a new area of science, coined “Oncofertility,” which brings a team of doctors together from a variety of disciplines to give women hope of having a family after their cancer is cured.

The Cancer Therapeutics Pipeline
H Foundation funding also established The Cancer Therapeutics Pipeline, seeding the discovery of new cancer drugs and early stage diagnostics that are now moving into FDA sanctioned clinical trials for a variety of cancers.

The Tumor Biology Core Facility
Significant funding support from The H Foundation and the Lurie Cancer Center was provided to launch the new Tumor Biology Core Facility, which resides within the Chemistry of Life Processes Institute at Northwestern University. The Tumor Biology Core advances the translation of new therapeutics to the clinic.

For more information on the impact The H Foundation is currently making, you can download the Lurie Cancer Center most current Stewardship Report.

Stewardship Report PDF

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