Cancer Is Personal

We turn passion into action

Ryan's Story

#CancerIsPersonal Story:
Two years ago, I lost the greatest coach and teacher I’ve ever had to cancer. My Grandma and Uncle are both battling it as well. Cancer is something that needs to be cured so it can stop affecting everyone’s loved ones and friends! Coach Smith taught me a lot on and off the basketball court and track. He didn’t deserve to be taken from his family and friends at such a young age. My Grandma and Uncle are both still fighting and should come out of this okay, but still is nothing they should have to endure. 

With everyone’s help we will cure cancer! 

So, in honor of Coach Smith, my Grandma and my Uncle, join hands with me and share your #CancerIsPersonal story (make sure to make your post public). I then ask Lindsay FreeseCruz OrtizMichael GosnellMegan NeitzelMarianne Sovereign Pisanko that you accept the challenge, raise your hand and share your story. Then challenge 5 of your friends to share their story.... and so on and so on. 

Don't wait for someone to challenge you, help make a difference in cancer research by accepting the challenge today!
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